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Numerical simulations are carried out for scramjet combustor with fuel injector struts to evaluate its performance for ground test conditions. Simulations were carried out for non-reacting and reacting flow with equivalence ratio of 1.0. CFD predicted top wall pressure compared reasonably well with experimental results except the upstream (ahead of the fuel injection) regions of the combustor where CFD has predicted higher values compared to the measured values. Effect of various spray distribution and turbulence models on wall pressure distribution and performance of the combustor studied. SST-kw turbulence model has predicted close to experimental data at upstream of combustion compared to k-e, k-w turbulence models. The net calculated combustion efficiency and achieved thrust at exit of combustor are 3% and 2.7% respectively higher in k-w compared to SST-kw though total pressure recovery in all three cases are almost similar.


Scramjet combustor; CFD; Spray parameter; Turbulence models.

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How to Cite
Dharavath, M., Manna, P., & Chakraborty , D. (2023). Effect of Turbulence Model and Spray Parameters on Kerosene Fuelled Scramjet Combustor. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 67(3), 369–383.


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