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In the present study a micromechanics based damage mesomodel for the initiation and propagation of fibre breaking has been developed for unidirectional continuous fibrous composites under quasi-static loading. For the micromechanical analysis, an RVE which contains a right circular cylindrical fibre in a cubical matrix along with a thin interphase/interface between fibre and matrix is considered. The state of micro stress and / or micro strain in fibre, matrix and interphase is found from two micromechanical approaches: Hill’s Concentration Factors and Homogenization. A brittle type fracture criterion is used for fibre breaking. The fibre breaking damage initiation and evolution at lamina level is presented using the concepts of progressive damage mesomodel. The model is tested for (carbon) / BSL914C epoxy and Silenka E-Glass 1200tex/MY750/HY917/DT063 epoxy materials used in World Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE). The model is validated for fibre breaking mechanism by loading a unidirectional lamina in both axial tension and compression. The preliminary results obtained for fibre breaking damage initiation and propagation for lamina under longitudinal tension are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in WWFE.


Carbon; Glass fibres; Strength; Damage mechanics; Fibre breaking; Hill’s Concentration Factors, Homogenization.

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How to Cite
Mohite, P., Jain, A., & Upadhyay , C. (2023). Micromechanics Based Fibre Breaking Damage Mesomodel for Unidirectional Fibrous Laminated Composites. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 67(4), 500–513.


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