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This paper extended the authors previous work of demonstrating the concept of polymer nanofiber interleaving to enhance the toughness of fiber reinforced carbon/epoxy composite laminates. In this study, in-plane tension, compression, interlaminar shear, and Mode I fracture and fatigue onset life properties were studied. Results demonstrated that by adding 1% weight of nanofibers in the form of interlayer in-plane tension and compression properties (strength, modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) of interleaved composites remained the same as base composites. Whereas polymer nanofiber interleaving increased interlaminar shear strength by 4%, fracture toughness by 150% and fatigue threshold energy release rate by 67%


Fiber reinforced composite, polymer nanofiber, interleaving, and interlaminar toughness.

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How to Cite
N Shivakumar, K., Chen , H., & Ali , M. (2023). Nanofiber Interleaved Composites for Aerospace Applications. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 64(1), 55–62.


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