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Stress and progressive failure analysis (First Ply Failure to Last Ply Failure) of a composite overwrapped pressure vessel (COPV) with an aluminum liner using the finite element method (FEM) in general and commercial finite element analysis (FEA) software ANSYS in particular is presented in this paper. Ply failure prediction is based on failure criteria implemented in ANSYS software. The first-ply failure (FPF) does not necessarily imply the total failure of a laminate. After FPF, the laminate stiffness is reduced consistent with identified ply failure mode. The strength of the composite laminate is evaluated again to see if it could carry additional load. This ply-by-ply analysis progresses, until the ultimate strength is reached. In the present study the methodology is validated using benchmarks and applied to a filament wound fibre reinforced plastic composite pressure vessel with an aluminum liner. Significant results are presented and critically assessed. Directions for further work in this field are identified.


Progressive Failure Analysis, FEM, COPV, FPF, Stiffness Degradation.

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How to Cite
Vijayakumar, R., & Lakshminarayana, H. (2023). Progressive Failure Analysis of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 65(1), 33–39.


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