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This paper describes a simple, novel and effective implementation and demonstration of sensor validation algorithms for three different and widely used signals for a safety critical embedded application. The challenge in this work was to develop the proposed algorithms with the hardware and system requirement constraints and when there were no off-the-shelf algorithms for this application. The algorithms are developed for analog, discrete and ARINC signals without compromising on the simplicity, reliability and safety. The correctness of these algorithms is verified and validated by means of rigorous laboratory tests and flight trials.


Sensor validation, Safety-critical embedded system, Fault tolerant, Reliability, Nuisance warning

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How to Cite
Nanda, M., Jayanthi, J., & Arjun, T. S. (2023). Novel and Effective Sensor Validation Algorithms For Safety Critical Systems. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 66(2), 150–159.


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