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The Crew Escape System (CES) is a dedicated system to ensure crew safety in Human Spaceflight Program (HSP) and will be called into action in case of exigencies at the launch pad or during the entire duration of the first stage operation of the launch vehicle. The CES primarily consists of a set of quick acting solid motors among them is a jettisoning motor.

A static test was successfully carried out in vertical mode to gather extensive data on the motor performance. Data recorded in static test was comparable to the pre-test prediction. The overall performance of motor with respect to thermal, structural integrity, interfaces was normal. The intricacies involved in the development of the CJM motor are presented in this paper.


Solid Rocket Motors, Escape Motors, Launch Escape System, Reverse Flow, Multiple Nozzles, Solid Propulsion, Manned Mission

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How to Cite
Prasad, S., Sreejith, K., Bagavathiappan, R., Krishnadasan, C., & Levin, G. (2023). Design, Development, Static and Flight Tests of High Burn-Rate Solid Motor With Multiple Scarfed Flow Nozzles. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 75(1A), 48–54. Retrieved from


  1. Shailesh Prasad., Sreejith, K. and Bagavathaippan, R., "Preliminary Design Report", 2013, ISRO.
  2. Shailesh Prasad, Sreejith, K. and Harikrishnan, R., "R Post-test document on CJM", 2017, ISRO.
  3. J. F. McCarthy, Jr., J. IAN Dodds and R. S. Crowder., "Development of the Apollo Launch Escape System", Vol.5, No.8, August 1968, pp.927-931.
  4. John L.Goodwin., "Development of the Mark 22 Mod 4", Naval Ordinance Station Report.
  5. Wong, E.Y., "Solid Rocket Nozzle Design Summary", Compiled Under NASA Contract NAS3- 10296, dt. 23 April 1968.

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