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Here, the axisymmetric free flexural vibrations and thermal buckling characteristics of functionally graded spherical caps are investigated employing a three-noded axisymmetric curved shell element based on field consistency approach. The formulation is based on first-order shear deformation theory and it includes the in-plane and rotary inertia effects. The material properties are graded in the thickness direction according to the power-law distribution in terms of volume fractions of the constituents of the material. The effective material properties are evaluated using homogenization method. A detailed numerical study is carried out to bring out the effects of shell geometries, power law index of functional graded material and base radius-to-thickness on the vibrations and buckling characteristics of spherical shells.


Functionally graded, Vibration, Spherical shell, Thermal buckling, Power law index

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How to Cite
Sundararajan, N., & Ganapathi, M. (2023). On the Vibrations and Thermal Buckling of Functionally Graded Spherical Caps. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 59(2), 136–147.


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