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Ever since Sir Frank Whittle built the first jet engine for aircraft propulsion, rotor dynamics became the key issue in design and continues to be most vexing problem for the designers. The rotors are gradually replaced by drum construction and the bearing supports have become very flexible owing to thin engine casings mounted on the wings. The compressor and turbine rotors are no more coupled serially through couplings as in steam turbines but are mounted one over other as spools. Now, there are several critical speeds of multi spools excited by unbalances and misalignment. The disks mounted on the rotors carrying the blades have also become very flexible with several critical speeds excited by different per rev excitations from flow path and subjected to severe resonances during start up and shut down operations. Besides, these mounted parts have become globally elastic but locally plastic structures and their lifing has become an important design problem. This paper traces the developments taken place leading to optimum designs and life estimation of gas turbine rotating parts.


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J.S. Rao. (2023). Rotor Dynamics of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 60(3), 169–182.


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