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The present study is aimed at the development of an accurate and robust reentry guidance strategy for Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs), based on onboard trajectory planning and by using the concept of analytical sensitivities. The onboard planning algorithm generates a feasible trajectory from any reentry interface to specific target location, while satisfying all the path constraints, prior to the start of the reentry. For this purpose, the optimal control problem of reentry guidance is converted into an equivalent targeting problem in Nonlinear Programming and a simple solution methodology is devised to generate the three-dimensional trajectory. The profile tracking algorithm is developed based on the well known Linear Quadratic Regulator technique. In this strategy, equations of motion are described in polar coordinates and a direct analytical method for computation of sensitivity matrix elements is used, which ensures better mission planning and faster convergence. An additional feature of the proposed algorithm is the inclusion of an integral term in control law, which tracks the trajectory without a need for instantaneous bank reversals, even with a dispersed environment. The performance results establish adequacy and usefulness of the algorithm.



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How to Cite
Joshi, A., Sivan, K., & Amma, S. (2023). Analytical Sensitivity based Guidance Algorithm for Reusable Launch Vehicles. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 59(3), 166–184.


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