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An isolated Spoken word Recognition system "SRIJAN" (srujan) has been developed by Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) This speaker dependent and robust, system employs energy based end point detection, Linear Predictive Code (LPC) coefficients derived cepstral coefficients as feature vectors and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. The DTW algorithm offers belter system performance by minimizing the effect of speaking rate variation. The optimum end point pair (start and end) obtained by taking the average of different end point pairs, resulting from the marginal variation of the lower and upper energy thresholds, results in the improvement of the system performance and reduces the computational complexities. Many new techniques such as multiple reference patterns, averaged reference pattern, online and interactive online reference pattern updating, Cepstral Mean Subtraction (CMS), etc. have been implemented to enhance the recognition accuracy and simplify the training required.


Isolated Spoken Word, Speech Recognition, Lpc, Cepstral Cofficient, Dtiry, Cms

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How to Cite
Kumar Singh, A., Shivashankar, S., & Janarthanan, S. (2023). Robust Speech Recognition System for Avionics. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 56(1), 47–54.


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