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Non-ideal explosives as compared to conventional high explosives have enhanced thermal and blast effects. This class of explosives is characterized by relatively low detonation parameters, a wide zone of chemical reactions and a sustained thermal and pressure effects compared to the class of ideal explosives. In these explosives reaction occurs in three phases [4]. Non-ideal explosives include thermobaric, solid fuel air explosive and Enhanced blast Explosives. Presence of metal particles pertubs the decomposition of explosive due to the combustion of metal particles leading to delay in ideal detonation phenomenon and leads to long duration overpressure, higher impulse and liberation of heat due to the afterburning of detonation products with air.These compositions can be optimized for high heat output, high blast output or a combination of both.

In this work, to get a better undertsanding of how much of each ingredient is necessary so as to get an optimized enhanced blast performance a simple model based on thermochemical approach [1] was developed. And two parameters were chosen for calculations - heat of explosion (Qex) to cater the detonics effects and power of explosive to cater for the aftereffects of explosion. Based on the structure of explosives suitable decomposition paths were proposed and the values of Qex and power of explosive were calculated [10].

In order to save time and ease calculations a code has been developed in C language.The code developed was validated through data of explosives reported in literature [1], [2] and the values of Qex and power were compared with the values obtained from code and the results obtained were with in the range of ±10% (Fig.3 and 4).The code developed has the capability of being customized from the user’s/explosive processing perspective, so that suitable selection can be done before processing of explosive composition thereby saving time and resources. This approach aims at exploring the potential of CHNOAl based molecule for its application in enhancing the blast effects.


Non-ideal Explosives, Heat of Explosion, Power, Thermochemical Calculations, Enhanced Blast

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How to Cite
Kaur Narang, J., Gupta, D., & Mukherjee, N. (2023). Code for Selection of C-H-N-O Based Aluminized Explosives for Enhanced Blast Applications. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 75(3A), 363–368. Retrieved from


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