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Scope of present work covers implementation to validation of the Langtry-Menter two equation γ-Reθt Local Correlation based Transition Model (LCTM) in CERANS code for modeling subsonic to hypersonic flow transition. The LCTM is coupled with SST k-ω turbulence model. The governing equations of γ-Reθt model is discretized in finite volume framework similar to the RANS model and implicitized using the point Jacobi method. Transition correlations based on freestream as well as local turbulence intensity and critical momentum thickness Reynolds number were integrated with the model, and the code is validated for several standard transition test cases involving low subsonic to hypersonic high enthalpy flows covering a wide range of turbulent intensities.


CERANS, γ-Reθt Transition Model, Correlation, Hypersonic Flow, Implementation, Validation

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How to Cite
R. Balasubramanian, K. Anandhanarayanan, R. Krishnamurthy, & Debasis Chakraborty. (2023). Transport Equation Transition Modeling in Cerans For Hypersonic Flows. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 70(4), 358–371.


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