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Optimum utilization of composite materials envisages its use under static as well as dynamic loading conditions. Hence, there is a need to assess the behavior of composite materials at high strain rates. Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus is widely used to assess high strain rate behavior of composites. Even though SHPB apparatus is widely used, its design methodology and development technique are not readily available. Design and devel- opment details of a compressive SHPB apparatus for characterizing mechanical properties of different materials at high strain rate loading are presented. Brief theoretical background necessary for the design of SHPB apparatus is presented based on one-dimensional wave propagation theory in elastic bars. Next, brief working principle of the apparatus and schematic arrangement are presented. Different components of the compressive SHPB appa- ratus are identified. Design, development and commissioning of the apparatus are discussed. Further, different instruments used and the calibration technique used are presented.


High strain rate, Compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Design and devel- opment, Calibration

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How to Cite
Naik, N. K., Sitpal, D., Kavala, V. R., & Asmelash, A. (2023). Compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus: Part I - Design and Development. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 59(2), 77–86.


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