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Investigations on high strain rate behavior of a typical unidirectional glass / epoxy composite under compressive loading are presented. Compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus was used for the studies. Compressive properties were evaluated along longitudi- nal, transverse and thickness directions in the strain rate range of 548 - 2645 per sec. It is observed that the compressive strength is enhanced at high strain rate loading compared with those at quasi-static loading. Studies were also carried out on 10° and 45° off-axis specimens. In-plane shear strength was determined based on 10° off-axis compressive results. It is observed that the in-plane shear strength is increased at high strain rate loading compared with that at quasi-static loading. But it remains nearly constant with increasing strain rate at high strain rates.


Unidirectional glass / epoxy composite, Compressive properties, Strain rate effect, In-plane shear strength, Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar

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How to Cite
Naik, N. K., Kavala, V. R., & Asmelash, A. (2023). Compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus: Part II- Experimental Results. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 59(2), 87–101.


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