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The standard transmitter employed for aero-space mission at microwave frequencies need extensive optimization and takes higher turnaround time due to manual tuning and soldering of components. The discrete high power transistor for the output power having varied perform due to batch to batch parameter variations. This makes low throughput due to device limitation and needs extensive tuning approach. Further the weight of the housing and its realization is time consuming process due to standard machining and tuning requirements. In this article, we proposed variety of new approaches to achieve light weight, higher throughput while maintaining reliability without much manual intervention. This article details SMT based approach for RF circuits, CFRP based housing using 3-D printing techniques and GaN device to achieve high output power. Gold plating of the CFRP, realization of circuits on plated CFRP carrier plates, thermal characterization and usage of SMT line for RF circuits are the other areas dwelt in this article. The integration of these techniques may lead to highly reliable RF system while maintaining the stringent specifications for aerospace applications. Structural analysis of CFRP, thermal imaging of high power devices, SMT process steps are further detailed.


Transmitter, Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic, Surface Mount Technology, Radio Frequency

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How to Cite
Singh, K., & Nirmal, A.V. (2023). Various Techniques for the Reliability Improvement In Rf Systems and Its Implementation Methodology. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 74(2), 119–125.


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